We are trying out all the flavors of ice cream while trying to make baby headbands
Happy Father's Day to you all out there!!! I love you dad and am so thankful for you!!! You are one amazing person who we look up to so much! Thanks for absolutely EVERYTHING!!! Happy Father's Day to Jim, we love you and miss you and can't wait to see you soon! Thanks for raising up Brent to be a great dad and such a hard worker! You know I become quite the emotional person when it comes to Father's Day! I always think about how influential Dad's are and how they play such a big part in our lives. I truly don't know how I ended up with being raised by such an amazing Father and then to marry into a family with another AMAZING father and now I am seeing first hand my husband grow into one! For all you Father's, honestly you are appreciated more than expressed and we wouldn't live without you!
We had a nice relaxing day. Unfortunately, Sonia, Ryan and the kids left around 12 and we jetted off to church to be in the nursery. I am so READY to be done in there! Then we came home and enjoyed a nice 3 1/2 hour nap all together! We all needed it since we stayed so busy on the weekend and Carter of course, couldn't sleep real well because he was so excited to have Jaxon and Maddux to play with. Every morning Carter would wake up, come out of the room looking for the boys saying "where'd day go?" Running through the house making sure they hadn't left yet and looking out the window to see that their car was still here.
We had a ton of fun with them this weekend! We went to the water park and Carter was so over-tired he hated the water and didn't want to be in it. So we finally got him to sleep and he slept the whole time while we went around to the wave pool and the slides. Jaxon is one brave cookie and went on all the slides he was big enough for. Ryan was able to talk Brent into going on the "BIG HALF PIPE" and being that they are two big guys they had one thrill of a ride!!!
On Saturday we went to Meridian Days (Dairy Days), which is like a little carnival fair type of thing. We actually let Carter go on some of the rides and he loved them! He went with Maddux and then screamed when we went to take him out. So he got some good rides in with Maddux. We enjoyed some nice "fair food".....funnel cake and mini doughnuts. We took the kids to the barn to find that most the animals had gone home except for some cows that weren't fenced in or anything and as we were walking by one big cow we almost got sprayed as it decided to go to the bathroom when we were right behind it. Quite a funny site.
We had Jana and Nate Jacob over for dinner Saturday night and had kabobs and tried out the new grill. It was so nice to get to see family and spend time together. Let the kids eat and play in the backyard and just kick back and visit. Having a big family you grow to enjoy chaos and now that everyone is gone it's a little too quiet and kind of lonely. It was a fast trip for Sonia and Ryan but it was so nice to be able to see them. Jurnee is so dang adorable! A perfect little girl. So dainty and even a little rollie-pollie. Carter absolutely adored her. He was so cute with her. I always got a little nervous as he would get so close and you never know exactly what is going through an 18 month old's little mind. But he did really well, even got her laughing really hard at one point. Thanks Sonia and Ryan for making the long drive and being great company. Too bad we didn't get any cards in. If only Ryan would've somehow become very ill and couldn't travel we could be playing cards right now......I guess we'll save it for next trip. Well I better get going, and play with Carter since his little entertainers are gone. Love to all.