Thursday, December 13, 2007

Grandma Bessy

Today Carter has stumped me on what he is talking about. He's been sitting in front of our big front window telling me "Grandma Bessy comin'. When I ask who is grandma Bessy. He gets quite flustered and states again....."grandma Bessy comin, Carter's house." I say you mean Grandma Helen? Reply: NO, Grandma Bessy! So I say you mean Grandma Tami/Thueson? Reply: No Grandma Bessy. I have no clue who Grandma Bessy is but he is quite sure she is coming to our house. His imagination grows everyday! Last night he pretended his frozen peas were HOT and he had to blow on them. He kept laughing and laughing that he was actually blowing on cold peas. (Just so you don't think I've lost my mind feeding him frozen peas.....thats the only way he'll eat them!) He is loving to hold Brook. She loves this too. She smiles and talks to him and he eats it up trying to click his tongue or shhhh. her or sing to her.
Brook is getting so big. She is such a happy content baby as long as she is held out so she can see or be put on the floor. If I hold her to much she reminds me to put her down. Then of course if I don't hold her enough she'll let me know too. When she starts to get fussy I know she's tired and I try to rock her or cuddle her to sleep and she only fusses more so I go to lay her down and she immediately begins to coo and talk and is happy and then in just a couple of minutes she's out. I am still getting used to having a baby that would rather be put in a crib than be held.
We are all staying busy this Christmas season. I have to say I haven't even done a whole lot of Christmas shopping. Every time I go I go crazy but then I end up putting things back and think that's not what Christmas is about. Which is somewhat frustrating as I love Christmas shopping and love to give gifts. But Overall I just want to enjoy what I have and teach Carter from the start it's not about gifts it's about Christ and what we are going to do to keep Christ in our lives and become more Christlike. Ok so this post is becoming more in-depth than I thought or wanted......
So anyway, I hope you all are having a great holiday season and enjoying the great food that comes with it. This is my favorite season for sure. I love the music and the hot chocolate and decorating! It's so fun. I better get going!!! Love to all!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

photo shoot

So we had some pictures taken around Brooklyn's blessing. We are just getting them so I thought I'd post a few. It was soo CRAZY!! Carter hated getting his picture the moment we stepped foot in the room. He didn't want to sit by us didn't want Cristi the photogragher taking pictures, he screamed bloody murder when we tried to change his shirt. He seriously was so difficult. But in his defense he was extremely tired and wanted to be with grandmas and grandpas. So if you are wondering why Carter isn't really in the photos, it's because he jumped ship and went into the other room to watch Nemo. For it being a crazy day of kids Cristi managed to capture some good shots. Thank goodness it wasn't all a waste!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Happy Happy Birthday

SO I haven't posted in a long long time!!! WE have been extremely busy and going a little crazy! First I'd like to say Happy birthday to Brent. His birthday was yesterday the 3rd and today is my sweet little Carter's birthday and mine. December is the craziest month and we are staying busy. We celebrated Carter's birthday on Saturday with some friends. I attempted making a lightning McQueen and Mater. They turned out pretty cute thanks to my amazing dad for carving the loaf cakes into the shape of cars. I made marshmallow fondant and it was a lot better than trying to frost the cake. Carter loved the cakes and was surprised when we "broke McQueen and ate it". We still have some left and he is constantly asking "eat lightning McQueen please.....bite mater now please!" I can't believe he is already 2 and I am 24. Time has really gone fast. Carter has really hit the terrible 2's and is becoming quite independent. For Carter's birthday we got him some big boy underwear and an Elmo book about going to the potty, I thought I'd just introduce the idea to him.....well last night he asked to sit on the potty and we read the book and he kept pushing and pushing.....but nothing. We went through the motions though of wiping and flushing. This morning again he asked. We'll see how long this lasts. I'm not pushing at all because half of me still thinks diapers are so much easier. But when I get those real stinky diapers I think it would sure be nice if he started going in the toilet!!!! We know many of you have birthdays in December so we are wishing you a Happy Birthday!!! I am trying to upload pictures but it's not working so check back!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Okay so I normally don't do movie reviews, but I have to say that "We are Marshall" was a great show!!! I am awake at 2 in the morning thinking about it, and yes still getting teary eyed. After a really good or scary movie I can never sleep because my mind just thinks. I cried throughout the whole thing but don't let that stop you from watching I must say I am quite emotional still. You know I just had a baby and I think I can still use the excuse of hormones being the cause of tears. Brent didn't even tear up (which is a sign that I'm really being sensitive because he usually tears up if it is really sad. Sorry Brent, but you do.) It was the kind of show that gives you goosebumps and makes you really enjoy your own life and realize how much we have to be grateful for. And it makes you laugh, cry, jump off the edge of your seat your so excited! So if you haven't seen it yet, go rent it. It is great! For now, I must try and get some sleep. Tomorrow comes.... oh it is tomorrow.....morning comes oh so quick!!! Love to all.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Brotherly sister love

The lovely artwork

Our sweet Brook

Just thought I'd share some recent photos of the kids. One day when Brent was supposed to be watching and playing with Carter he seemed to somehow escape Brent's eyes and got a hold of a pen. A pen and one little boy can create masterpieces which Carter created one heck of a masterpiece on himself. Carter is really learning his manners like "cuse me, thank you, peese, and sorry." He definately knows when I start to get frustrated and immediately bursts out "sorry mom....sorry" Every time he says this with out fail it brings a huge smile to my face and immediately I am not frustrated anymore. I'm so grateful for the word sorry and and thank you! When a crazy almost 2 year old uses them it helps me put in perspective that he's still so small and is learning. He is way to smart for his age, if I have to take something away from him that he shouldn't have like scissors or a pen or some adult thing that isnt a toy he tells me "share mom". He is becoming a big help to me with brooklyn, like getting diapers, throwing them away, or finding blankets, finding her binki when she starts to squak and trying so hard to help her not to cry. She loves him! Brooklyn watches him like crazy. She smiles and talks to him and he loves it. She gets so excited when she sees him she kicks her legs and flails her arms and Carter comes to give her hugs and kisses. When it's diaper changing time they love to lay by eachother and Carter tells her "no cry ookn." He tries to do patty cake with her and itsy bitsy spider. So fun that he actually now really enjoys her and she enjoys him. I hope that when Brooklyn gets bigger they'll become great play mates, since they're so close in age!!!
Brooklyn is talking and cooing like crazy. She sleeps really well for me, so far. She still isn't much of a cuddler at all. I'm glad I'm nursing as that's the only time I get to hold her real close and cuddle. Other than that she has to be held out to see what's going on and when she's tired she'll either fall asleep with me holding her out or she'll fuss until i put her down. Weirdo....I still can't totally grasp that a baby doesn't really like to be snuggled and cuddled. When she starts to fuss my natural instinct is to bring her in and snuggle her but she quickly lets me know that is not what she wants. She is really starting to fill out and get those chubby cheeks that you just want to pinch.
We are having lots of fun with our little family and are excited for the upcoming holidays. We are hoping to get to see some family and eat lots of good food. We hope all is going well and love to all.

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Dallin giving Carter a push....What a nice friend

Carter and Daddy after a slide ride

Russell & Brent getting ready to take the ring!

The slide!

The obstacle Course

Getting ready to come down

On Thursday we got to go to Brent's work party at "Pump it Up". For those of you who don't know what that is the pictures can explain it. IT was a ton of fun! What a great job he has. I'm so thankful that Brent did his home teaching and this job opportunity presented itself. It has been a big blessing in our lives. He has a great boss to work for and Brent loves what he's doing. Don't ask me to explain exactly what he does or else I'd confuse you and myself in trying to do so, we'll just leave it at affiliate manager with a great internet marketing company...Sublime Net.
Anyway back to the party. It was great fun. Carter was a little bit scared at first and immediately started screaming. I was bound and determined that he was going to have fun because really I wanted to go down the big slide and needed an excuse!!! I quickly carried him up the stairs with him telling me "Mom I fall" and I reply, "no Carter you won't" his reply: "NOOOOO, I FALL" I continue to go up and reach the top and just like that we were down the big slide. He actually did enjoy it. We went again and again. Brent and Russell decided to box eachother I couldn't stop laughing! They really went at it. Great entertainment! So a big thanks to Russell for letting us all have a great afternoon with eachother.

Friday, November 02, 2007


Well Carter did get dressed up and he was a great dinosaur. We went over to our friends house and let all the boys go trick-or-treating together. Carter's little friends (Bowen and Dallin) were Larry and Bob from the veggie tales and were so cute. Then Carter's future little girl-friend (Ellie) was the cutest little pea pod. The weather was actually great! It wasn't very cold at all. Brooklyn was a little reindeer and fell asleep while we were trick-or-treating. The first house we went to was a pretty creepy one. It had a HUGE blow up spider coming down in the entrance of the door. Then inside were a ton of furry spiders, rats and a mechanical man and skeletons and seriously it kind of freaked me out. Carter kept saying "spiders coming" or monsters scared. But he willingly went to the door and got candy. We didn't go to a ton of houses as the boys are still quite small! Plus Carter wouldn't take a nap during the day so a handful of houses was all they could handle. They all had fun and enjoyed the candy! Thank goodness we stopped when we did or else I would have a ton of candy on my hands that I DO NOT need!!!
Oh and I'll post some pics of us finally getting around to carving our pumpkins. We carved them the night before Halloween. It was a lot of fun. I can't remember the last time I actually carved a pumpkin myself. It's great having kids it brings out the kid again in ourselves.
I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween. For those of you who haven't posted yet get posting some pics. And thanks to those who have!
Love to all

Monday, October 29, 2007


Here are some recent pics of the kids. Yesterday I put Brooklyn in the cutest little dress that my sister Meagon made for her. Even the little booties to go with it were so adorable!!! So many people stopped me to look at it and couldn't believe how pretty it was and that someone made it. So thank you to my sis!!! Carter is keeping us busy and never stops talking. I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween and it's not too freezing cold!!! All of you bloggers make sure to take tons of pics so we can see. Love to all.

The end to "NO POOP" Brooklyn is pooping all on her own multiple times during the day, every day!!!!! YEAH!!!! I'm pretty sure the cause was gripe water. I feel like such a terrible mom! When Carter was a few months old we gave him some and he did fine and it helped him lots when he got a belly ache so I didn't think twice when I gave it to Brook. But I should have done some research. We never gave her more than recommended and actually only dipped her suckie in it and if she was screaming for hours on end we'd give her a couple of mls. The ingredients are oil of fennel and sodium bicarbonate. Which there's tons of gripe waters out there and they are actually good if they don't have the sodium bicarbonate! I was reading about sod. bicarobonate and it can cause intestinal problems in young children. It is supposed to balance the PH in the stomach but it can over balance it and cause problems. So caution to EVERYONE!!! I don't want to cause a panic to those of you who have or are using it. Every baby is different and the acidity in every baby's tummy is different, so some can tolerate it and it does no harm while in others it causes problems. SO just know that there is that possibility. As for me we will not be using anymore gripe water ever!!! I wish I would have been more proactive and looked up all ingredients before using them. At least we know now and brook is now back to her normal self. I'm so glad it was something simple like stopping gripe water rather than a kink in her intestine or something else. I'm thankful for the prayers and the holy ghost and for people listening to those promptings. So now that she is pooping I've had to become more prepared like making sure I've got plenty of diapers and an extraset of clothes that fit!!! No more trying to pack light!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Carter playing around

SO here's a clip of Carter. Don't mind me in the background singing.......Just listen to Carter as this gives you a little taste of what I get all day long. He then began to get more hyper as I tried getting more clips of him. When he sees the camera he automatically wants to put on a show and goes CRAZY!!! Here are some pics of Carter from the weekend I drove to Twin for Saturday since I was getting quite bored and lonely. My mom and I pulled out some Halloween masks and some scary hands. Carter was a little scared at first but then amazingly he decided they were fun and put them on with the help of Grandpa. So maybe Halloween won't be so so scary for him. He also let me put on his dinosaur costume. I originally bought him a Nemo costume but he would never let me put it on him. He just liked to feed it and kiss it but hated the idea of it going on I took it back. I probably should have given him a little bit more time to warm up to it. Oh well, this year he can be a roaring dinosaur!

Friday, October 19, 2007


Where to start....Brent just got back from a nice business trip of 5 days in Anaheim California. We all missed him like crazy and are so glad he's home! Brooklyn is still battling with pooping. It seems to make her quite upset when she needs to go. So she screams!!! Other than that she's a charm! She doesn't like to be cuddled or held too close when she's tired she likes to be put down. NICE. but of course that is when she doesn't have a belly ache. I've even tried sleeping with her but if I try cuddling her she'll keep fidgeting until I put her in her own space. At least we won't have another Carter on our hands. I must say though the last few nights he's stayed in his bed until 6 am. so yeah for now. Brook is loving to talk to us. She smiles oh so big and lets out some squeels. She's still trying to find that voice of hers and I think sometimes it shocks her when she actually makes sound. I am of course loving dressing her up. It's so fun although she'd tell you different if she could talk. She hates being messed with and hates anytime I go for the hair. I just keep telling her she's a girl and that's what we do....we play dress up.
We took her to the Dr. last Wednesday to just make sure everything is ok. and she weighed in at 11 pounds and is almost 23 inches long. I broke out Carter's charts of when he was 2 months and he weighed 13 lbs. and 5 ounces so she is smaller than Carter. She fell in the 50th percentile for height and weight and her head circum. just under 50%. So I guess you could say I have a perfectly normal average size baby. The dr. did another rectal to make sure things felt good and did a complete exam and Dr. Schaeffer said she looked and felt so good. She did refer me to a special pediatric gastroenterologist to get a second opinion. I am debating whether or not to take her right away or to just wait a few weeks and see how she does. I've been praying about this little girl since she was inside of me and I truely feel that she is really ok and normal so for now I think I will just wait a couple of weeks.
Carter, oh my sweet Carter! He is getting so big!!!! These past few nights he's been pretending to be a little dog. I pretend with him and give him orders like bark and sit and touch your toes and your nose. I almost had him as I went through the list I then added OK little doggie go get in bed! He started going and smiling and then soon came right back looking at me like MOM you tricked me. I guess he's smarter than that. Brent and I have really had to start watching what we talk about around him because he listens so well. If we are talking about a car accident or something serious he can tell by our tones and he starts saying no no car! STOP! And if we are talking about treats or ice cream or anything yummy he begs and begs for it right then. So now the spelling to eachother has started. Of course Carter thinks he can spell too, he says A, E, I , C. and repeats it thinking he's spelled something. Much to our amazement he actually does know how to spell his name. "C, A, R, E, R, CARTER" he says. (so he forgets the T but I think that's pretty good) His vocabulary is growing everyday. I don't know where he learns everything. He also has stunned Brent and I by counting to 10. I'm trying so hard to get him to do these things on Camera but once I pull out the camera he starts acting and gets hyper and can't focus. He keeps saying "Chees" waiting for it to click. He definately loves Brooklyn he makes sure we don't forget her any time we're getting ready to leave.
His new favorite word right now is "Awesome" He says it so cute with lots of excitement. I'll post some random pics of the kids. I better go, this is quite long. Sorry!!!! Love to all.

Ashlyn, Tiana, and Brook on Conference weekend

Ashlyn loved taking care of Brookie.....she'll be a great big sister!

Alyssa and Brook conference weekend

Family photo at the pumkin patch. Brook is in the sling...I'm not just wearing something weird.

Bath time

Grandma Thueson and Little Brook