Tuesday, January 23, 2007

happy days soon to come

Okay, so it seems that it's been a while since my last post so I thought I'd update everyone! Well, I went to Twin last week to see my sister April and her little girl Ashlyn. And I managed to catch the flu while I was there. Ashlyn got it first throwing up during the night all over herself and her mom and I felt so bad for them....I didn't hear a thing the whole night April and my mom were cleaning and vacuuming and showering Ashlyn and I didn't hear a thing. By the next mid-day Ashlyn was back to her complete self and was eating again. Steven my nephew also got the bug the same night. So on Saturday morning I wake up to feeling real queasy, thinking that my morning sickness has hit an all time high and then I realized that this sickness and stomach pains were all too much to be all contributed to pregnancy. I have never thrown up and so hard in my life. I couldn't keep anything in me!!! I couldn't even sleep because I hurt too bad. Because of being pregnant I think it made it all way worse. Everyone there was so good to help with Carter and take care of me. I am very loud when I dry-heave (who isn't)and so I scared Carter so bad along with everyone else including myself. We thought that I may need to go to the emergency room due to the fact that I couldn't keep anything in me and it was seeming to last longer than everyone else's case of the flu. So we called my Aunt who is a practitioner and works for an OBGYN's office and she said to take benedryl and that will slow the throwing up down and that within 24 hours if I haven't stopped to go in if I could stand to wait that long.......well the benedryl didn't work and I still threw up. My dad and brother gave me a blessing and that seemed to help me deal with things a little better. And by 24 hours I was finally able to hold some gingerale down. My parents were kind enough to drive me home on Sunday so that I could rest and make it to my Monday dr's appointment.
We made it to the dr's yesterday and I am seeing a new dr. than I saw with Carter and I really like him. He is awesome!!! So glad I changed. Thanks Jana for the reference. He answered so many questions and assured me that everything is going well. He also bummed me out by stating if I would have waited one more week to come in we could have heard the heart beat...if only I would have known. I am about 9 to 10 weeks and due Aug. 29 like I thought. Brent told him that we would love to have the baby 2 weeks earlier and Dr. Agrusa said well we might just have the baby 2 weeks later. I think I'll just go with whenever he/she comes I'll be ready. No ultrasound though, which I guess is pretty common only 1 ultrasound is what their office does along with a lot of other offices. Kind of bummed about that being that it really does something when you get to see that little peanut it just helps make all the sickness seem more worth it. Even though I know this little one is there and growing it just does something when you actually see it.
Carter managed to not get this bug thank goodness!!! He is growing like crazy and learning new things everyday. He is such a sweety and loves giving hugs and kisses of course on his terms though. He loved Ashlyn and would hug her so tight! He loves kids so much. While we were in Twin he loved the babies and saw a play doll and would put the baby in the little car seat and rock it and then hop in himself and hold the baby and rock it. He also would poke out all the babies eyes and take their bottles away. I can see it now I think he will love his new baby but won't leave it alone at all and be so excited to point out all the body parts. I am excited for the two of them to be so close and ya it might be a little more of a challenge for me at first but when they get older I only can hope they will be the best of friends being that they will only be a grade apart in school. Anyway I better get going Carter is sleeping and I only have an hour to try and get this post done along with everything else. Love to all. Hope everyone is doing well especially those with new little ones and those who are expecting since it seems like everyone is getting ready to have little ones.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you got so sick. At least in Twin you had people to help you. The pictures turned out soo wonderfully! Thanks for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're over the flu. That's so nasty and I feel for you. Your photoshoot turned out so good!! Carter is a cutie! Talk to you guys soon. We love ya!