Well we finally did it and got a single bed for Carter. He has just been sleeping on his crib mattress on the floor in his room but Saturday my parents came up and were able to bring their truck arising the perfect opportunity for us to buy Carter a real "Big Boy" bed and a way to save some money on not having to pay for a delivery charge. Thanks mom and dad for bringing the truck! I was a little nervous at getting him such a big bed and wondering if he'd actually stay in it as well as he did the crib mattress....also a little worried about him being higher off the ground! To my amazement Carter has slept all through the night in his bed and it is so nice. No falls yet and he seems to really love his bed. He was so excited when he first saw it and has worked every day and getting on and off all by himself. Today I can say that he has mastered the both down. My little boy seriously is growing up way too fast.
I'm so happy to see him feeling so much better. He is a COMPLETE different kid, so happy and playful and we have so much fun during the day together!!! His top two molar teeth have broken through and one on the bottom is through too so that adds to his happy attitude.
Brent is staying busy with school and papers. He is such a hard worker and I know that he'll make a great counselor when he's all done. I see him growing and becoming more knowledgeable and I am so proud of him. I know for him it's sometimes hard to see the progress he's making and wonders if it is all worth it being gone day and night and then when he is home he's constantly working on papers.....but it'll pay off and it won't be like this forever. He may have some late evenings but he won't be this bogged down.
Today I went to my Dr.'s appointment and Carter and I heard the heartbeat. It seriously is such an amazing thing to hear. It brings this pregnancy more to a reality. Now that my sickness is pretty well over I seem to sometimes forget that I really am pregnant and that this baby is growing like crazy. I can't wait to meet him/her. Next month we go in for the big ultrasound......and for those of you who don't know we most likely are not going to find out. We think it'll be exciting along with labor and everything to not know. We'll see for sure though when that day comes. Anyway, I better get going love to all!
YAY for big boy beds!
I'm glad to see you went with the real deal! I always think it's kinda silly to get a little big person bed. just spending more money on something you're gonna try to give away in 3 years or so! We did the same! Straight to the big bed! (with a training rail thingy! haha)
that's exciting that you got to hear the heartbeat! I love that!
Love the bed. Looks and sounds as though Carter does too. So nice that he is so independent and wants to be in a big bed. Also it's nice that you don't have to "kick him out" of the crib for the baby. Sad when your baby grows up, but also nice. Can't keep them as your baby forever, right. He looks so much happier. Let's just hope that everyone is healthy this next week. Looking forward to playing some . . . It's been a long time since we've seen Carter and Amber!!! hahahaha The boys are looking forward to your arrival. Jax is especially looking forward to it. He knows that when you leave, he starts track break for 3 wks and is looking forward to it. (He knows exactly when it is). Too bad it's not when you are here. We love you guys. See you in a few days.
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