Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Happy 4th of JULY

We made it back on Twin on the 3rd of July to celebrate the 4th with my family!. We had tons of fun and the fireworks were great! Carter and Brook both fell asleep half way through. Carter tried so hard to keep his eyes open but failed. Kids totally make the fireworks so much more exciting. Carter was so amazed, and he kept saying oh WOW at each one and would tell me what it looked like. I remember doing that as a kid and picking my favorite one. Brooklyn was just struck by silence when the fireworks started and didn't move until she fell asleep. It was such a gorgeous night and so relaxing!
I am so bummed because I thought we took lots of pictures on the first but it turns out we didn't take a single one. We only did video. So I'm trying to figure out how to get still shots from video. So stay tuned for some video footage and hopefully some pics.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

What a cute family!!! I love, love love Brooklyn's little skirt! It looks like you guys have had a great last few weeks, don't you just love summer???