Well it seems like we always have something going on. Lately we have experienced a lot of changes. All good of course, but for me I don't like change. I always have a bit of a hard time adjusting to change. Our first big change is of course our move into our new house. Which was a little tough on Carter, before we moved, when we were packing he would cry and tell us he didn't want to go to the new house......now today he tells me "mommy, I like this house, it's boo-tiful" so he has come to approve and really like it. I have too, I just hate the packing and re-arranging, and feeling so cluttered. But it is much better now and starting to feel more like our home. We are so happy and thankful that we could move into a bigger house to accommodate our growing family and "stuff"....now I better not be moving for a long time!
The next change is well, CARTER is fully and completely potty-trained. He is even going on a long streak of "keeping his undies dry" through the night. We are super proud of him and amazed at how "BIG" he now seems. I'm so thrilled that he goes in the potty but it also brings on a whole new thinking process for me. When I travel long distances, I have to make sure he's gone before and I try not to give him lots to drink on the road. But this last weekend I went to Twin and on the way back Carter kept telling me "my pee hurts" so I'm in the middle of no where and starting to look to see where the next stop is, I ask him if he wanted to pee in his empty cup or if I could pull over and he could pee outside on the side of the road....to which his reply was "MOM I NEED A TOILET!!!" So I "went fast like a race car" and we made it to the TOILET!
Our next big change is weaning Brooklyn from breast feeding! While I love breast feeding....it can be such a pain too. Carter was super easy to wean and it was right before he turned 1 and it was all done within 1 weekend and he never screamed, begged or whined......total complete opposite of Brook. She is quite obsessed with nursing and loves it. Last night we were up for a couple of hours with her screaming at the top of her lungs.....she has a very LOUD MAD cry! It broke my heart and I always usually give in but Brent and I worked together and got her to sleep without nursing. (thanks Brent for staying up with me even though you really need sleep...I'm still in my pj's because the night was so rough) This is probably the hardest change for me. I don't know why but it just seems like Brook didn't stay a baby long enough! When I'm holding her and I pass by a mirror and see her in my arms, the tears start to well up....she has grown so fast and just a year ago she was an itty bitty baby, I thought my life was crazy, trying to get a handle on a newborn and an almost 2 year old little boy, now it has mellowed from that stress to many others.
So all the changes have left me to think and ponder lots on everything. Change is such a bittersweet thing for me. I love a new house but sad to see the old one go. Love potty trained Carter, but sad that he is actually old enough to be potty trained and understands so much... (that means the years are starting to add up for me), so happy to have my body back and now can lose some extra pounds that keep haunting me, but sad to know that my little baby is now a walking talking little toddler. Love the new but the old is so hard to let go. SO I try to just enjoy the tough days, because I know one day I'll look back and think they weren't that bad and I'll wish I had those days of young young kiddos in my house. I love each new stage in my kids' lives....it's so fun to see them grow into such cute little people, who teach me to enjoy the moment.
I better get going, love to all.
Wow! Lot of fun things for you guys. I am jealous of Carter going potty. We've just started working on Mady and it is such a long process... I am hoping that she will get it down quickly. I can't believe how big your kids are getting. It has been too long...
Boy you have had a ton on your plate. Moving stresses me out so much. I hate trying to pack up all the little stuff that doesn't necessarily have a home/ and then unpacking everything and finding where to put stuff. How is the new place? Are you directly in Boise or outside of it?
First, so jealous you are into a new house...I cannot wait for Josh to be done with school and we can do that too! Second, it wasn't that hard for me to wean Jack, only because from the beginning he received both, but then was full bottle by 3 months. Phew! Good times for me! I know what you mean though, Jack is super big and the thought of him being a "big boy" makes me soooo sad.
Just wait until they are 13 and taller than you!! Boy how time flies! Also... beware of the toilets that are display. Connor has used them before! (along with Terry!).
Cannot believe how big Brook is. Cute family... Ready for #3?
I know what you mean..... Ashlyn is in kindergarten and going to be 6 in 3 months... and Collin is almost 8 months growth is good but at the same time sad! I struggle with changes as well.... just as soon as we get use to a stage its over and done with and another one begins. congrats on the new home cant wait for this econemy to start to improve so we can move as well! love you guys.
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