Friday, February 22, 2008

Home Alone

So Brent has gone to another seminar and the kids and I have just been hanging out. We are getting ready to meet Brent in Las Vegas on Saturday and he'll be at another seminar for a few days and I'll get to hang out with my sister-in-laws family (be prepared to sing your hearts out and play some cards!!!) By Wednesday Brent will be done and can actually hang out with us for a couple of days and then i will be off to California to see April and our new little baby Collin!
Can I just say I hate staying home by myself! I'm great during the day....I can keep busy with seeing people and going places but once night changes. I know I'm crazy but I seriously get so spooked and hate the fact that I get spooked. Carter's imagination is so huge that at night he's been telling me that he sees scary masks outside and the monsters will get you. I then start thinking did he really catch a glimpse of someone outside wearing a mask??? and then I calm myself down and get busy doing things. But I have to admit I take my shoes to my bedside with my purse, keys and cell phone on my nightstand and I let Carter and Brooklyn sleep with me. Crazy i know and I know nothing is going to happen but I always think but what if and I know i'd feel better with my kids right by me even if there happened to be a fire or something. I got together with a friend from our ward and her husband happens to be out of town also and I asked her if she ever got spooked at night and she confessed that she has to pull the top of her mattress out to the front living room and sleep with Clair (her little girl) in the living room. So I was so happy to hear that I wasn't the only paranoid one! And now I've given away my little secrets to a stalker who could be reading this........Just kidding.
So I thought I'd post some pics of the last few days and also post some pics of Valentines Day since I was so late in posting about it. But I do love Valentines Day!!! I'm such a hopeless romantic and I don't think that will ever change. Brent was great to me waking up to him bringing us breakfast.....pancakes and some Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (lemon filled my favorite!) some great balloons to keep Carter and Brooklyn busy.
Later that day I got a great delivery from some flower place that brought me beautiful fresh tulips! It was a nice change from roses and they made me so excited for spring! I absolutely love flowers....any kind even carnations! I know they soon die but aren't they just so nice to have and smell and they just brighten up a room so much for the days that they are alive! I just love Valentines Day another day specialized to let everyone know just how much you love them and how important they are. We all need a little boost from our everyday ordinary lives to give it some spunk and LOVE!
Well I better be going, I've got to finish laundry and getting packed.....hopefully the airplane ride won't be too crazy with me alone with 2 crazy little kids! Yes, I'm a little nervous as I'm not the greatest flyer plus with 2 kids......lets just pray they sleep! I don't know what happened to me I used to love flying and loved the tickle in my stomach during take off and landing but once I got kids I hate it I want to make sure everything is safe and goes smoothly and I worry way too much! Well I hope everyone is doing well.....
Love to all!

I bought Brooklyn some swimming suits at Old Navy(40% off YAY) to get ready for our cruise in April.....I wish I looked as cute as she does in a swimming suit!

The pretty flowers from Valentines Day

I found Carter all snuggled up with Brooky's blanket so cute. Thank goodness I didn't have to fight him to go to sleep!


Sonia said...

I'm looking forward to your arrival tomorrow. Those little swim suits of Brooklyns are darling . . . I can't wait to get Jurnee a couple and get some new clothes - looking forward to our little shopping trip!

See you soon.
Oh, does the guitar fit in the suitcase?

amber said...

ok, thanks for making me feel like crap... Of course I am gone and Brooklyn is starting to army crawl.... ya good timing Brent...

Thanks for posting the pics too, now I am really missing you guys. Looking forward to flying to vegas tonight and picking you up tomorrow night... :)

Love you guys!!!!!!! XOXO


Brandi said...

Super super cute...I love the green swimming suit. Have fun in Vegas...I'm jealous! It is snowing here and hasn't stopped since this morning :( The flowers are very pretty, I love the vase! Tell April congrats for me

Amelia said...

Soo cute I love all your pictures. Brooklyn is getting so big. I know what its like to be alone at night, its hard to get use to it. but after a while you just do, but you always have at least one baby in the bed for comfort. :0)
Have fun at Sonia's, I super jealous!

Laurie said...

I found your blog through a family member of Ken's. Sounds and looks like you guys are doing great! Your kiddo's are also very cute!

.Ang. said...

i love old navy swim suits! I got Brylie the same pink striped one!! So cute!

Have a fun trip!!!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!! It would be nice to be able to get out of town for a while. Even with just 2 kids. I went to target the other day and with three small ones... it was a nightmare. Miss you all tons... when is the trip to Texas???

Our Unique Family said...

hey there girly hope the flight home from vegas was okay and that the kidos are getting better!!! I miss you so much and cant wait to see you hopefully next time it will work out that you can come see me.... us girls will have to plan a trip to texas to see jenny I am sure all of us will have a swell shopping spree there.. us thueson girls know how to shop. Brooklyn looks so cute in those swim suits. love you kiss the kids for auntie April.