Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Happy Happy Birthday

SO I haven't posted in a long long time!!! WE have been extremely busy and going a little crazy! First I'd like to say Happy birthday to Brent. His birthday was yesterday the 3rd and today is my sweet little Carter's birthday and mine. December is the craziest month and we are staying busy. We celebrated Carter's birthday on Saturday with some friends. I attempted making a lightning McQueen and Mater. They turned out pretty cute thanks to my amazing dad for carving the loaf cakes into the shape of cars. I made marshmallow fondant and it was a lot better than trying to frost the cake. Carter loved the cakes and was surprised when we "broke McQueen and ate it". We still have some left and he is constantly asking "eat lightning McQueen please.....bite mater now please!" I can't believe he is already 2 and I am 24. Time has really gone fast. Carter has really hit the terrible 2's and is becoming quite independent. For Carter's birthday we got him some big boy underwear and an Elmo book about going to the potty, I thought I'd just introduce the idea to him.....well last night he asked to sit on the potty and we read the book and he kept pushing and pushing.....but nothing. We went through the motions though of wiping and flushing. This morning again he asked. We'll see how long this lasts. I'm not pushing at all because half of me still thinks diapers are so much easier. But when I get those real stinky diapers I think it would sure be nice if he started going in the toilet!!!! We know many of you have birthdays in December so we are wishing you a Happy Birthday!!! I am trying to upload pictures but it's not working so check back!!!


Our Unique Family said...

Hey there girly I cant believe that you are 24 but I am 26 and I have a 5 year old. well tell brent happy birth day and give carter a great big birthday kiss for me.....I love you and Happy birthday to you also Sorry that I didn't get you called on the day I am overly stressed and everything that is more important then my stress and anxiety attachs so I am sorry happy birthday to the coppieters clan.

Jennifer said...

Cute pics.!! Cannot believe that he is 2!! How time flies the older you get. I remember when we were young and how each season felt like forever. We miss your family tons and wish we could be closer. But for now, thanks for getting us all started on the blog so we can see all the pics of everyone. It really does make up for being far away. Happy Birthday to all!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday all. I've been meaning to call, but you can see how far got. So Happy Birthday! we love you and we're so glad that we got to spend time with you.
The Cakes turned out awesome! Good job Amber and grandpa Don.