Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just like Daddy!!!

Carter has become obsessed with his "underwear shirts"! He thinks that he has to have one on all the time, to be just like his daddy. He freaks out if we forget his undershirt. This morning he told me again as I was getting him dressed that he needs to always have his "underwear shirt" on. Yesterday we went to the park and it was so hot and I felt so bad for the poor little guy since he's got 2 shirts on. For bed, he refuses to wear his pajama top he only wants to wear his underwear shirt and his pajama bottoms. So thanks to Daddy for setting such a great example we now have a little boy who has really no idea why his daddy always has white "underwear shirts" but he wants to be just like him!


.Ang. said...

SO cute!

Annie said...

he is adorable! We need to hang out sometime soon.

Shel said...

so so great... love little kids... its so fun to think about the days when we were considered super her o
s in our kids lives... like the incredibles...

Reid, Kim, Cohen, and Graidy said...

Hey Amber! This is Kim (Strunk) from TFHS!!! :) I just saw your blog... You're kids are so stinkin cute! Congrats! How exciting that you're having a third! Anyways if you don't mind I'm going to add you to my bloglist! My blog is private but e-mail your e-mail and I'll add ya on if ya want!

Unknown said...

That's so cute!! You should show that to him when he is a teenager and if he acts all grumpy at his dad. Then you can say, "look you used to want to be just like him!!!"

Bree said...

That's so cute. Chase always had to be just like my dad too. But I don't think he ever picked up on the underwear shirts! Love it...